My Latest Music

My latest album ‘The Shape It Makes’ was released 11/01/19 and is available to stream below.


the latest sounds

My debut full-length album ‘The Shape It Makes’ was released 11/01/19 and is available to stream below. Artwork by yours truly.

  1. My Chasm

  2. The Shape It Makes

  3. 17

  4. Without You

  5. Wandering

  6. Flash in the Pan

  7. Bind

  8. I Love Everything And Nothing At The Same Time

  9. In the Mire

  10. History and Skin

  11. Poor Son

  12. Black Pearl

  13. Unbody

  14. Brandon

  15. His Eyes

Stream my music below or purchase at this link:

Listen to The Shape It Makes on Spotify. Scott Zareski · Album · 2019 · 15 songs.